Alessandra is specialized in real estate and corporate law, with cross-functional focus and operation on ESG and CSR issues. She offers legal assistance to Italian and international clients in the major real estate investment transactions and in the sector’s contract drafting (framework agreements, sale and purchase agreements, lease agreements, hotel management agreements and going concern leases), as well as in the commercial one.
In 2022, Alessandra graduated in Law, cum laude, from the University of Calabria, where she continues to collaborate with the chairs of Commercial Law and Comparative Private Law. During her studies, she attended the Faculdad de Derecho of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the School of Law of Widener Delaware University and collaborated with a major international law firm. These ones, experiences which allowed her to delve into issues related to corporate law, financial markets law and contract law at a comparative level.
Alessandra is currently enrolled as a trainee lawyer with the Italian Bar.
She speaks Italian, English and Spanish.