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Studio Legale Internazionale
Home GOP Cares

GOP Cares

Our commitment to sustainability

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for organisations across all industries which recognise that developing sustainability policies, focused on environmental safety, human capital and ethical business management, creates a long-term value beyond financial performance.

Based on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria, our firm launched GOP Cares to draw together a series of actions into one single plan, covering environment (GOP Cares Green), people (GOP Cares Social), and governance (GOP Cares Work), with the goal of supporting the sustainable development of the firm itself.


GOP Cares Green

GOP Cares Green represents our commitment to environmental sustainability and includes all the initiatives implemented to limit our environmental impact through the efficient management of energy resources, consumption and technologies.

GOP Cares Social

We have always been committed to ensuring the health and well-being of our employees and their families. Through GOP Cares Social we have adopted welfare policies for which we have been repeatedly recognised as a “Welfare Champion”.

We implemented a policy that provides for the development of young talent and the regulation of career paths.
Our Firm's training program includes:

  • ongoing training, based on the immediate and active involvement in transactions under the supervision of more experienced lawyers and development of communication skills through relationships with our clients, counterparties and colleagues;
  • an internal Continuing Legal Education program launched in 2008 in which all lawyers, including trainees, are invited to join;
  • Seminars and Retreats, meetings and internal seminars organised by our Firm in Italy and abroad;
  • internship, an opportunity to gain professional experience at any of our offices, at other law firms, or in the legal department of some of our clients.

Pro-bono is important to us and we also directly support a number of non-profit organizations and proactively participate in charitable initiatives.

GOP's commitment to community involvement extends beyond the boundaries of our Firm, encouraging our people to actively support external organizations and causes that align with our values. 
By collaborating with associations and community-based initiatives, GOP aims to bolster the collective effort towards social progress and change.

GOP Cares Work

GOP Cares Work focuses on the fundamental issues regarding governance. It includes a series of initiatives in favour of diversity as well as the adoption of a code of ethics to guarantee high standards of conduct and inclusion policies.
Our ongoing commitment to inclusion and equality has also received a formal and important external recognition: the GOP has obtained the UNI 125:2022 gender equality certification, in line with the provisions of the NRP and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Achieving Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment).

Read our Gender Equality Policy

Our Strategic Plan for Gender Equality includes, inter alia:

  • Female Empowering initiatives;
  • the organisation of events, training on gender bias, gender equality; 
  • parenting policies.

We also adopt a suitable policy for the prevention of conflicts of interest, managed by a special Conflicts Committee. This Committee ensures the effective implementation of said policy and resolves doubtful cases, with due regard to the interest of our clients and professional ethics rules.

GOP promotes an open, ethical, transparent and accountable culture, and to this end has adopted a Whistleblowing Policy and makes available a whistleblowing channel called "Dillo a GOP" that can be used by all those who, anonymously or by providing their personal details, wish to responsibly report any conduct contrary to the code of ethics and/or which harms the interests of the Firm.

Read our Whistleblowing FAQ

Read our full Whistleblowing Policy

Submit a report

We are the first Italian, full-service law firm to obtain the ISO27001 certificate (international information security standard) following our implementation of an Information Security Management System.

This system allows us to adopt a structured and highly disciplined approach to the management of the security of assets entrusted to it by clients, as well as to detect and prevent security breaches.

News and Events
September 18, 2024

"GOP Cares for Telethon"
Gianni & Origoni renews its participation in the 8x20 Relay to support research on rare genetic diseases.
May 15, 2024

Fighting violence against women: laws, norms and cultural changes
May 15, 2024

"Gianni & Origoni presents #UGUALEPERTUTTE"
With this initiative, which is part of the GOP Cares programme, the firm takes a stand in the fight against gender-based violence
Media Affairs
November 11, 2021

"GOP wins 2021 LC Sustainability Awards "
The firm was awarded for the "GOP Cares" initiative
July 27, 2021

" The ESG factor will make the difference"
"Involvement, inclusiveness, diversity, work life balance and sustainability are an integral part of our talent access policies": Gabriele Ramponi, Co-Head of the Recruiting, explains the importance of fostering the talent of a young professional with the founding values of the firm in order to create a workspace of excellence
Milano Capitali 2021
May 19, 2021

"You Have to See the Bigger Picture: Gianni & Origoni Embraces ESG" - The Firm has launched a 20-lawyer, nine-partner ESG focus team, part of a growing trend to offer a one-stop sustainability solution for clients